This directory contains several useful public domain files. Most are in UNIX compress(1) format. All are in binary: be sure to specify "type image" before transmission. DAIMS-doc.texinfo.tar.Z: TeXinfo for the DAIMS project. A style guide for writing C++ code. The Data Analysis and Interactive Modeling System (DAIMS) is an attempt to bring object oriented programming to scientific computing. Objects such as "matrices", "vectors", "LU decomposition" of matrices, etc. are defined. README: This file. RWVector2.1.tar.Z: Version 2.1 of the "Rogue Wave" Vector package, for doing arithmetic operations, FFTs, and solving systems of linear equations. Includes matrix classes. Written in C++. RWVector2.2.tar.Z: Version 2.2 of the "Rogue Wave" Vector package, for doing arithmetic operations, FFTs, and solving systems of linear equations. Includes matrix classes. Written in C++. kermit.Z: UNIX version of Kermit. liblinpack.a.Z: LINPACK object library for Sun-3. liboops.a.Z: Object library of the OOPS package. Sun-3 only. liboopsvec.a.Z: Object library for the OOPS vector package. Sun -3 only. oopsV2R2+.tar.Z: Source code for the OOPS (=Object Oriented Programming Support) package written by Keith Gorlen of the National Institute of Health in the language C++. This is Version 2, release 2 ("gurus only") and includes Gorlen's "vector" classes and our extensions to them. The libraries liboops.a and liboopsvec.a (see above) are the resulting object libraries for Sun-3. plot5.Z: A general purpose plotting and contouring program. This file is a Sun-3 executable. Other unix machines are possible, send for info. Documentation is also available. Either see plot5_manual.hqx below, or send email to: plot5_manual.hqx: A BinHex 4.0 encoded manual for PLOT5 in Microsoft Word (for the Macintosh) format. Use kermit or xmodem to download to your Macintosh, convert to binary with BinHex, then print with Microsoft Word. spinup.tar.Z: The DAIMS "spinup" demo, version 2.1, written in C++. Solves for thermocline depth of the ocean in cross-section. Includes sliders and buttons and all kinds of nifty stuff. A demonstration of object oriented programming techniques for models. For Sun only. Executable for Sun-3 included. sungraph.Z: A plot(1G) type filter for previewing UNIX plot metacodes on a Sun console. Sun executable only. superfilters.tar.Z: A tar file containing a set of filters for manipulating and contouring x-y-z and contour data. Allows arithmetic on grids, smoothing, etc. Also, displaying in multiple projections. Makefile for installation provided and some documentation. A coastline mapfile at 1 degree resolution for use by the superfilters routines. A coastline mapfile at ~0.2 degree resolution for use by the superfilters routines. xmodem.Z: Unix version of Xmodem. xyplot.Z: A general purpose plotting program. Executable for a Sun-3 only. For information send email to: for documentation.